Want your business to do better? The answer is to get personal…

Dec 13, 2021
  • people
  • SAP

As an HR leader or expert, you know that talent is a precious commodity. With accelerating skills gaps, if you want to remain competitive it is vital that your organisation understands your people. So…how well do you know your people?  As well as you can? As well as your competitors know theirs?

By the fact you’re even reading this we’ll assume you’re pretty engaged. You might have a view on your workers’ performance, their skills and where you might currently place them in your company; but to build and maintain a stronghold regarding talent you need to start thinking about your employee’s “whole self”: not just their skills and competencies but also their capabilities, interests, work styles and learning preferences. Only then can you successfully guide and support them, increase internal mobility, workforce agility, and boost your ability to compete by retaining top talent.

Discover in this blog the proactive strategies - and secret weapons - that will help you achieve this; getting your business out in front of the competition … and staying out in front. 

More power to your people = more power to you

An essential component in your HR toolkit is ensuring that your people are engaged and motivated, and have ample support and opportunity to develop their skills and experience. This is particularly challenging in any organisation with multi-generational workforces (younger employees tend to be less motivated by salary than older generations, for example). Your inconvenient truth right now is that if you don’t understand them, or know how to motivate them, then you risk losing talent, you risk losing vital productivity and you risk being left behind.

Two essential pieces of kit…

We are particularly excited about some game-changing functionality being released by SAP which we believe will help customers capture this information and successfully bridge your skills gaps.

First up is the Centre of Capabilities. This framework from SAP SuccessFactors connects individual skills, competencies, strengths, styles and capabilities to both people and experiences. Employees are empowered and given the tools to create their own portfolio defining who they are and aspire to be. They then update it with relevant experience, linking it to your Capabilities Library and their managers rate their proficiency.  These capabilities can then be mined for job requisitions, linked to learning (allowing employees to pro-actively upskill), and used for onboarding and even performance management.  

Secondly, introducing a highly effective new tool in your arsenal: SAP Opportunity Marketplace. Your talent doesn’t just want to ‘get the job done’. They want opportunities that reflect their values and interests, and give them a chance to grow. Opportunity Marketplace allows employees to discover and manage their continual development and growth by exploring opportunities relevant to them. This includes learning, roles, projects, dynamic teams, mentors, mentor programs, and peer connections. 

Instead of focusing on skills and job matching, it takes into account the individual’s “whole self”: their skills and competencies, capabilities, interests, work styles and learning preferences. So you can better inspire, guide and support your workers.

You are now in a stronger position to: 


  1. Create a truly agile workforce by building a working culture that promotes and supports growth, adaptability and resilience, as well as nurturing critical skills and competencies. 
  2. Improve internal mobility by providing the right opportunities to the right people based on their unique capabilities and your greater insight.
  3. Make faster and smarter decisions when matching people to new opportunities. 
  4. Drive a culture of learning and development, making employees more resilient to change.
  5. Optimise your talent deployment, placing the right people in the right roles for the right amount of time.
  6. Uncover hidden talent by gaining real visibility of employees’ skills, strengths and capabilities outside of their roles.

As the software encourages self-assessment, it empowers employees to write their own career path and proactively up-skill, giving them autonomy over their career trajectory. You can support this by helping your people create career and development plans, provide mentoring, networking and learning opportunities.

In the struggle against the ever-growing skills gap, if you have the advantage then take it quickly! Start understanding your employees better - right now! We will advise you on a range of cutting-edge strategies and software options that will help you today. If you don’t have SAP, or if your requirements or systems are a little more complex, we will help you source the right solutions to achieve the business-boosting outcome you want.

Our team’s hands-on approach achieves real results. Many of our people bring extensive personal experience working within HR functions, so we appreciate the importance of working closely with you at strategy level and helping you shape your HR objectives. Whilst we can do project management in a traditional sense, you get the best value from us if we are working hand-in-glove with you.

Discover how our expertise will help you attract and retain the talent you need to compete today – and tomorrow. Contact us for an initial chat about your unique people challenges or  book a meeting with our team now.

We will help you bridge the gap between who your employees are and who they could be, attracting and keeping the right people to drive your business forward.

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