The Beginner's Guide to Personalisation Technologies

Jun 05, 2024

How personalisation done well means a better experience for your customers. 

Consumers are bombarded with generic content and irrelevant ads everywhere they go. 

...So it's no surprise they expect an online experience that's tailored to them.

What are personalisation technologies?

Personalisation technologies are a set of tools and techniques that allow businesses to customise their online interactions with individual users.

This can be achieved through various methods, including:

  • Collecting user data: This can include browsing history, purchase behaviour, demographics and preferences. 
  • Analysing user data: Sophisticated algorithms analyse this data to identify patterns and preferences. 
  • Dynamic content delivery: Based on the analysis, websites and applications can adjust content, product recommendations and offers in real-time. 

Benefits of personalisation technologies

Businesses that take the time to understand their customers and deliver personalised experiences are the ones that stand out, and can benefit from:

  • Increased conversions: By presenting users with relevant products and offers, businesses can significantly improve conversion rates. 
  • Enhanced customer experience: Personalised experiences make customers feel valued and understood, meaning better satisfaction rates. 
  • Improved customer loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to return and become loyal brand advocates.

Common personalisation techniques

1. On-site product product recommendations 

These recommendations are based on a user's browsing history and purchase behaviour.

Example: An e-commerce store might recommend a phone case to someone who has been looking at smartphones. 

2. Dynamic content changes 

Websites can adjust content based on user data, such as location, demographics, or previous interactions. 

Example: A travel website might display different hotel recommendations depending on whether a user is searching for a family vacation or a romantic getaway.

3. Triggered emails

Automated emails can be sent based on user behaviour, such as abandoned carts, product reviews, or birthdays.  

Example: An email reminding a customer about products left in their cart can encourage them to complete their purchase.

Get started with personalisation technologies

The first step towards personalisation is defining your goals and target audience.

Once you understand your customer base, you can choose the right personalisation techniques and tools.

There are a variety of personalisation platforms available, ranging from simple solutions to complex enterprise-level systems.

Ready to take the plunge into personalisation? 

Personalisation technologies offer a powerful way to create a more engaging and rewarding online experience for your customers.

By implementing these techniques, you can build stronger relationships with your audience, boost conversions, and ultimately achieve your business goals.

Book a chat with a personalisation expert to find out more. 

Alan Edmondson

Digital Practice Lead

Delaware UK & Ireland