“As the marketing landscape evolves, embracing these tools and strategies is no longer optional, it's imperative.”

Jan 24, 2024

Industry experts gather every year to discuss the latest strategies for optimising customer experience (CX) at Optimizely's annual Opticon events...

New possibilities for 2024

Industry experts gather every year to discuss the latest strategies for optimising customer experience (CX) at Optimizely's annual Opticon events.  

The most recent events saw the Digital Experience (DXP) provider make several announcements that promise to rock the marketing landscape as we head into 2024. 

There was an unmistakeable emphasis on the need for businesses to combine creativity with data-driven insights to deliver exceptional customer experiences, and in this guide, we’ll explore the key takeaways from Opticon 2023, specifically:

  • Optimizely’s new platform for marketers: Optimizely One 
  • Opal: a new identity for AI
  • A new partnership with Writer
  • Optimizely Graph
  • Visual Builder

Optimizely One

Optimizely One is the latest update to the Optimizely DXP Platform, announced at Opticon 2023. The purpose of Optimizely One is to foster seamless collaboration between marketing and product teams, streamlining workflows and decision-making processes. 

Optimizely One is the new umbrella term for their Digital Experience Platform (DXP), signifying how Optimizely has closed the marketing operating system loop with products and solutions for every step in the process that a modern marketer could need (hooray!)

The new features include:

  • A fully-composable stack that's fully SaaS, fully decoupled, and highly composable to empower teams to build their stack their way
  • A unified workflow that connects teams via a fully connected workflow — from planning to analysis – all based on a single unified platform
  • AI-accelerated capabilities embedded into the entire marketing lifecycle, helping teams work faster and make better decisions

With Optimizely One, customers can enjoy features such as CMS SaaS Core, Graph, Visual Experience Builder, Experiment Collaboration, Omnichannel Authoring, and Opal, a new identity for AI. 

Optimizely also has a renewed commitment to strengthen their strategic technical partnerships with other big MarTech players. They add more connectors to popular 3rd party products their customers commonly use, as well as making sure existing connectors are maintained and updated. 

Opal - A new identity for AI

Optimizely's new AI technology, Opal, was unveiled at Opticon 2023, and it's set to revolutionise the way marketers optimise their content. Opal is an AI assistant that will be integrated into the Optimizely One ecosystem to:

  • Provide expert assistance in content optimisation and decision-making
  • Blend smoothly into existing workflows, using natural language prompts to make it easy to use
  • Continuously learn from user interactions and data inputs, becoming more tailored and precise over time
  • Operate across the entire Optimizely One marketing operating system, helping to improve efficiency and iterate quickly on ideas
  • Help marketers with suggestions for copy variations
  • Help marketers manage and plan content campaigns 

Optimizely's partnership with Writer

Optimizely has announced a new collaboration with Writer, a comprehensive generative AI platform for content creation. This partnership is exclusive to users of Optimizely’s Content Marketing Platform (CMP) and integrates advanced LLMs directly into existing marketing workflows. 

Joint customers of Optimizely and Writer will be able to leverage sophisticated language learning models (LLMs) within the context of their existing marketing workflows to develop content that is relevant, compliant, and consistent with their existing brand tone and voice. 

This partnership will allow customers to harness the power of AI to create contextually relevant content that includes industry-specific knowledge and insights. 

Optimizely Graph

Optimizely Graph is a new feature that allows businesses to visualise their data and gain insights into customer behaviour. Optimizely Graph uses machine learning algorithms to analyse data from all touchpoints, creating a clear and concise visual representation of customer behavior. This enables businesses to identify patterns and trends, gaining insights into what drives engagement and loyalty.

Visual Builder

Optimizely also unveiled plans for Visual Builder, an intuitive new way to compose content as part of its SaaS/headless initiative and product offering. Visual Builder is described as a "visual experience builder" with an "elegant, intuitive editing interface that empowers content creators." 

The features of the new Visual Builder include an improved look, a drag-and-drop-based interface, easy creation of content templates, integration with the new Optimizely Graph for content manipulation and interconnection, and personalisation tools built into the editing interface. 

With Visual Builder combined with the powerful APIs in Optimizely Graph, Optimizely SaaS will function as a pure headless CMS, giving Optimizely customers complete freedom to compose, modify, and share content in their own way. 

Visual Builder is an upcoming innovation offering low-code and no-code solutions for experience building, visual templating, personalization, and experimentation. It offers on-page visual editing and previews, drag-and-drop templates that require no-coding, and is fully connected to content via Optimizely Graph.

Optimizely in 2024

So what did we think? Opticon painted a clear picture: exceptional customer experiences hinge on blending creative spark with data-driven insights. 

Optimizely One, Opal, the Writer partnership, Graph, and Visual Builder are catalysts for this fusion, empowering marketers to personalise experiences, optimise content, and streamline workflows – all at scale. 

As the marketing landscape evolves in 2024, embracing these tools and strategies is no longer optional, it's imperative. 

By weaving data with creativity, businesses can forge lasting customer connections, cultivate brand loyalty, and ultimately thrive in the age of the empowered customer.

Ready to start your Optimizely journey? We've been selected as Optimizely's Customer Choice Partner of the Year - you couldn't be in better hands. 

Send us an email and we’ll be in touch.