We allow you to easily report, manage and fix every problem within your building or space.

Feb 19, 2022

At FixForm we aim to keep spaces and building in good, safe and clean condition. Our platform lowers the barrier to report problems by enabling everybody to become a messenger with just the snap of a picture. We’ll leverage data to supercharge your operational planning and help you to move from reactive to proactive problem-solving.

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it was a really inspiring experience to participate in the Pitch Arena of ventures by delaware. I immediately got a great impression by the professionality and the clear vision behind this accelerator
Thomas Vanhumbeeck – FixForm

“This partnership gives us the opportunity to strengthen and diversify our offering, while integrating our solution with other professional services projects at delaware. Thanks to the valuable feedback we received during the Dragon’s Den, we are motivated to finetune our go-to-market model and connect our people-focused approach to increased product excellence. 

In my opinion, the maintenance expertise of FixForm and the IT market maturity of delaware complement each other perfectly to build the best solutions for our shared customers.”


  • Investment Stage: Development, seed
  • Industry: All companies having buildings and spaces with significant in and outflows of people
  • Technology: Cloud (AWS), Laravel (PHP) for back-end, Vue J for frond-end, MySQL and Redis as databases
  • Website: https://www.fixform.com/
  • Contact: thomas@fixform.com 

What does Thomas Vanhumbeeck say about his experience with ventures by delaware?

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