Get to know delaware: facts & figures of who we are and what we do

Jan 25, 2021

How much do you know about delaware? You’ve probably already found a lot of information on our career site, our general website or on our social media profiles. But we’re pretty sure you’re also curious about other delaware facts and figures. Who are we, what do we do or whom do we work for? All nice-to-knows when you want to apply for a job or just like to know how it’s like to be part of the #peopleofdelaware in the BeLux. No need to look further! You’ve landed on the right page. Happy reading!

How we’re organized

More than 2600 #peopleofdelaware in 14 countries…
… of which 1200work in Belgium and Luxembourg …
… and team up in 39 teams to deliver advanced solutions and services, applying more than 30 technologies…
… from (soon) 7 delaware offices or our home-office… (we’re opening one in Liège shortly!)
… to guide over 500 customers through their business transformation.

An image that showcases the organization of delaware

Who the #peopleofdelaware are

As delaware, we care about diversity and inclusion. We want to be a diverse and inclusive company where people can thrive, no matter what their personal situation or background is, in an organization that endures and can be passed on to future generations. Did you know that in Belgium alone, we have colleagues from 20 different nationalities? They are all working together in a flat structure, from consultant up to manager and partner. Even more, our international community keeps growing, as more than 50 international talents joined us in the past 3 years alone. Also in 2021, we keep working on diversity, in our diversity & inclusion program.

Diversity and inclusion in delaware

How becoming the ‘best possible you’ is a significant part of our dedicated working time

Recharging our batteries during a well-deserved holiday, taking the time to cure from illness or developing our skills and talents in internal or external training sessions. These activities are all part of our working time. All the hours you work for customers, to develop your skills, or to become the best possible you, is called VTI, or Valuable Time Invested. We’ve listed some interesting facts and figures of what our delaware Academy offers you in terms of learning – and these numbers don’t even include the yearly bootcamps for starters and consultants:

Trainings so far in delaware Belux

A long-lasting relationship

It’s delaware’s dream to exist for at least 150 years. To realize this, we attach much importance to taking care of each other and building a long-lasting relationship with all #peopleofdelaware. In order to strengthen this bond, we put a lot of effort in the personal and professional growth of our people. The opportunities delaware gives to learn, develop skills and share knowledge are widely appreciated, as we see in our employee satisfaction numbers:

  • The turnover rate within delaware is less than 10% over the past 7 years.
  • With a Net Promotor Score of 14%, we score very high in the European ICT market (where the average is 3%). 14% is the result if we subtract the percentage of our delaware promotors (they actively recommend delaware as an employer to others) with our detractors (people who will less likely promote delaware as an employer) – source: McME People Matter.

Triggered to find out more about delaware? Interested to meet your future colleagues? Or simply curious to know more about our Diversity & Inclusion program?

Employee satisfaction about delaware

Life at delaware

Discover more about our company culture and values.